søndag 5. juni 2011


Yes, so is the weather today.

Snow in the mountains, clouds and fog.

Down by the sea is the rain and cold wind

with only 4 degrees cellsius..

Was out for a walk and took a picture of this sparrow..

2 kommentarer:

  1. Oh the trials of winter all over the world. Each of us have our own. I enjoy seeing your posts. You must of been way up high for this photograph? Have a nice day, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Å kjære, det er så en får dårlig samvittighet over å ha sånt nydelig vær om dagen! Men fortvil ikke, vi får torden og regn i morgen! :))) Og utfra alle erfaringer betyr jo det at dere får bra vær! Håper det for deg og dine! :)
