Hello my friends.. :)
Now it`s long since i visited my blog..
Have had a bit busy at work and home..
There is now good to start getting more time to
photo and my blog.
The sun has turn for about 4 week ago.
Days are getting brighter and the sun warma our
bodies again.. :)

We are best friends :)
Days are getting brighter and the sun warma our
SvarSlettbodies again.) That is great))
Beautiful pictures)
hei hei HEI!!:))))det var lenge siden..Og hvilket flott bilde!!Nydeligt som alltid..REMI:))
SvarSlettLOVE the dog and child photo! Great material. You need to post a front view of this poochs face!!!!! Good to see you back.
SvarSlettThanks a lot everyone, Good to be back .. :)